Report from the 16 February 2024

Générations France Musique

9 February 2024Tribute to Seiji Ozawa 16 February 2024Concerts with the Paris Opera orchestra at the Philharmonie in Paris and in Aix-en-Provence

The programme "Générations France Musique, the live", hosted by Clément Rochefort, is coming to the Paris Opera for a programme entirely dedicated to the Paris Opera Ensemble. This programme will be broadcast on France Musique on Saturday 23 March from 4pm to 6pm, and also available as a podcast.

Two hours of music and interviews with singers from the Opera Ensemble, live in the Studio Bastille. On the programme: arias, duets and trios from operas by Mozart, Puccini, Handel, Rossini, Britten and Tchaikovsky.

The aim of the Paris Opera Ensemble is to help young opera singers develop their careers, provide them with personal and professional stability, and strengthen the public's bond with the Opera and its artists. 

  • Free entry on reservation

    Thursday 7 March 2024, at 8 pm

    at the Opéra Bastille Studio

With the members of the Paris Opera Ensemble:
Ilanah Lobel-Torres, Emy Gazeilles and Margarita Polonskaya, sopranos
Marine Chagnon, mezzo-soprano
Maciej Kwasnikowski and Nicholas Jones, tenors
Florent Mbia, baritone
Alejandro Baliñas Vieites, bass

With the Ensemble pianists,
the musicians of the Paris Opera Orchestra (string quartet)

and Alexander Neef, General Director of the Paris Opera

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