Workshops for school audiences

Workshops for school audiences

L’artiste, ma classe et moi

Conçus autour des spectacles de la programmation Jeune Public, les ateliers « L’artiste, ma classe et moi » permettent aux élèves de découvrir l’univers artistique du spectacle par la pratique de la danse ou de la musique. Quelques jours avant la représentation, un artiste de la compagnie se rend dans la classe et propose un travail scénique, chorégraphique ou musical aux élèves.    



These workshops are offered to classes that express their interest when taking out an option for the production concerned, and are subject to availability.

L'artiste et l'enseignant

Artistic workshops for teachers approach productions in a new way thanks to performers who give their unique perspective while enriching the student's classwork. Links are formed between the performer and the teacher that help to open the eyes of all the students attending performances. 

Booking conditions

These workshops are offered to classes that express their interest when taking out an option for the production concerned, and are subject to availability.


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