Opening on sales June 20th at 12pm

Turandot by Giacomo Puccini

In Peking, a princess renowned for her beauty submits her suitors to three riddles. The prince who manages to solve them will win her hand and the throne, while those who fail will be sentenced to death. Will young Calaf succeed?

Ma Mère l'Oye /​ L'Enfant et les Sortilèges by Maurice Ravel

An opera, a ballet: two works by Ravel placed under the sign of childhood and fairy tales, sublimated by the red and golden setting of the Palais Garnier.

Les Contes d'Hoffmann by Jacques Offenbach

Robert Carsen, always fond of portraying theatre within theatre, plunges the audience into the world of an opera house, from the stage to the wings, as his dizzying mise en abyme questions the notions of the anti-hero and the female ideal.

Immerse in the Paris Opera universe

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